Since we have been using Advanced rules on-and-off for the past few years, I would like to codify and standardize what rules players can expect to use at my Battletech games. All the following rules, save one, can be found in Tactical Operations:
House Rules
The following rule is a "house" rule and is used simply to ensure that the entire mapsheets are available for use:
Note: If there is any question about the disposition of the underlying terrain, then the GameMaster will have sole discretion for deciding what said terrain is (if the "majority terrain" rule doesn't resolve the disposition of said hex).
While I may add special rules that are specific to the scenario, these rules are what players can expect to be used in every game that I run. Please take the time to review said rules and bring any and all questions to the GameMaster "before" the game begins. In future games, I will bring a copy of these rules for quick reference.
Rules standardization for Battletech - Alpha Strike ruleset
While we play Alpha Strike using the Advanced Ruleset (p22-49 AS), the following "Advanced Options" rules will also be "in play" for our Alpha Strike ruleset games:
All other rules found in the Advanced Options will be implemented on a case-by-case basis depending on whether or not they are applicable to the scenario or units.
Special Piloting Abilities (p55, ASC; p98, ASCE):
All Pilots on the field have the Multi-Tasker ability at no cost.
Multiple Attack Rolls (p175, ASCE):
All Pilots on the field may make individual attack rolls for each point of damage as per the Alpha Strike Commander's Edition.
Measuring Ranges/Rangefinders
The use of colored measuring sticks/dowel rods are banned from all of the Alpha Strike games run by Charles "IronSphinx" Wilson. The risk of poking someone's eye out is not worth the $1 it would cost you to buy a tape measure from Hobby Lobby.