2/4 - 6:00p | Chuck Wilson | Battletech | Furball: Clan & Inner Sphere | 21C |
2/6 - 12:00n | Glenn Hopkins | Battletech | War of 3039 Scenario | RIW |
2/11 - 6:00p | Aaron Pollyea | Battletech | Clan Battle Royale | 21C |
2/13 - 12:00n | Glenn Hopkins | Battletech | War of 3039 Scenario | RIW |
2/18 - 6:00p | Aaron Pollyea | Battletech | Scenario T.B.A. | 21C |
2/19 - 12:00n | Jeff Stone | Battletech | 'Mechs, Munchies & Mayhem | SKY |
2/20 - 12:00n | Jeff Stone | Battletech | Pod Tournament | 21C |
2/25 - 6:30p | Jeff Skidmore | Battletech | Battle for Donnegal | 21C |
2/20/2011 - Lansing Pod Tournament: Solaris
We are doing a 3 event Solaris challenge. 600 tons to be divided however you choose among the dates for each month. So you could go all light and medium the first two months and have assaults the last month. Dates are: Feb 20th, Mar 20th and Apr 24th. Points will be won each event and totaled on the third event for a winner the Solaris Champion.
2/13/2011 - War of 3039 Scenario
War of 3039 Fed-Suns vs. Draconis Combine Company vs. company. A big game -- I plan on timing moves. Just to change things up, I'll be running this game with box set figs and maps.