09/05 - 12:00p | Tom Heath | Battletech | Battletech Bootcamp pt 2 (Mediums) | ICC |
09/11 - 6:30p | Chuck Wilson | Battletech | Wolf versus Blake | 21C |
09/12 - 9:00a | Tom Heath | Battletech | Breakfast and Battletech | ICC |
09/18 - 6:30p | Chuck Wilson | Battletech | Bear versus Blake | 21C |
09/18 - 5:00p | Tom Heath | Battletech | Davion Heavy Guards v. Blood Ravens & Desert Leopards | ICC |
09/25 - 6:00p | Aaron Pollyea | Battletech | Scorched Earth at Brigadier Corp. | 21C |
Wolf versus Blake
The Clans have entered the Jihad as Clan Wolf fights Blake's Shadow Division cyber-warriors in the Wolf Occupation Zone.
Breakfast and Battletech
Come have breakfast (FREE BREAKFAST) with members of the NMBL and play some battletech on 3D terrain at iCelebrateChurch in East Jordan! Physical attacks and Line of sight will be taught as well as the use of heavy mechs on the battlefield.
Bear versus Blake
The Clans continue to fight the Jihad as Clan Ghost Bear battles the Blakists Shadow Division cyber-warriors alongside Devlin Stone.
This is the schedule for June at 21st Century Comics and Games in East Lansing, Michigan (21C), Syndicate Local 415 events in Grand Rapids, Michigan (SYN), Virtual World Entertainment in Kalamazoo, Michigan (VWE), RIW Hobbies in Livonia, Michigan (RIW), Our House Games in Monroe, Michigan (OHG), WarGames North in Cadillac, Michigan (WGN), and iCelebrate Church in East Jordan, Michigan (ICC).