So last Friday night, players old and new from across the State said 'goodbye' with a brutal skirmish between Wolf's Dragoons and the Ryuken on the planet Misery. Noone held back as the night was filled with ammo explosions, successful charges and Death-From-Above attacks, and even the ultra-rare 'punch leading to a cockpit critical hit' as we rode the heat curve and pushed our machines to their limits.
Thank you to Andy, Damon, Lon, and all the other owners and employees of 21st Century over the years for giving a bunch of gamers a place to spend their Friday nights. East Lansing is diminished by your departure.
(l to r) Deputy Chuck "IronSphinx" Wilson, Andy Morrow (21C owner), James, J.J., Aaron "Gravedigger" Pollyea, Jeff. Darlene "Scourge" Morgan-Pollyea (seated) |
I will not be running any Battletech games until after the Fourth of July holiday weekend when we start up at our new location: Replay Entertainment Exchange. The new game schedule will be announced on July 1st.